Submit Default Passwords to

Thank you for submitting a default password to our listings. Please enter as much information as you have about this default password into the fields below and then click the "Add Default Password!" button.

There are a few things you should know before you continue.

  • All submitted passwords must be defaults, i.e. passwords that came with the system as shipped. We will not post any passwords that were added later by admins or users, even if they are common.
  • We will not post any passwords that work on only one specific instance of a system, e.g. a password that works on only one website. This is to prevent individual systems from being targeted for attack. Don't submit your password. Don't submit your friend's password, or your co-worker's, or your teacher's or your mom's or any real password that someone chose. This is only for the default passwords that come with a system out of the box.
  • Submissions using this form are NOT automatically posted. All submissions are screened and manually added. Therefore there is absolutely no value in this form if your intent is to spam our site. Those found abusing this form for spamming will (a) find their IP addresses hardblocked, and (b) not get their message through to any of our visitors.
  • We require that you include a working email address with your submission so that we can contact you in case there are any fixable problems with the submission. Your email address is NOT added to a list.
  • This is not a search form. We'll be adding search soon but this isn't it. If you are looking for something, go back to the main page and look for the manufacturer in the list.

e.g. Cisco, D-Link, Microsoft etc.
Model or Title:
e.g. WBR-2310, Windows XP, all models etc.
e.g. 1.0, Rev.A, all versions etc.
Access Method:
e.g. console,, etc
type (none) if not applicable
type (none) if the default is no password
A short description of the extent of access this password provides, e.g. Admin, root, user, guest etc
Any additional information you think will be helpful
Your email address. This is required so we can contact you if we need more information. Your email address will remain strictly confidential.

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