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3Com Default Passwords

Welcome to the 3Com default passwords page.

Before you open a ticket with 3Com tech support, see if your device or software is in this list. Check the Access Method column to make sure your access method is correct, then try the given default username and password. For the defaults to work in your 3Com device or software, you may need to reset the device or reinstall the software, either of which could cause data loss, so be sure to have backups before you proceed! It's a best practice to have a regular backup schedule in place before disaster strikes!

Last Updated: 2024-06-10 9:40:51 PM
Click here to submit new default passwords to this list.

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Product Version Access Method Username Default Password Impact Notes
3Com       root letmein   1.25
3Com 3C16405   Console Administrator (none) Admin  
3Com 3C16405   Multi admin (none) Admin  
3Com 3C16405   Multi n/a (none) Admin  
3Com 3C16406   Multi admin (none) Admin telnet or serial
3Com 3C16450   Multi admin (none) Admin telnet or serial
3Com 3CR414492 All root !root Root  
Added: 2012-01-08
3Com 3CRADSL72 1.2 Multi (none) 1234admin Admin snmp open by default with public / private community
3Com 3CRWDR101A75 All (none) admin Admin  
Added: 2012-01-08
3Com 3CRWE52196     (none) admin    
3Com 3CRWE554G72 All (none) admin Admin  
Added: 2012-01-08
3Com 812   HTTP Administrator admin Admin  
3Com AirConnect Access Point   SNMP (none) comcomcom    
3Com AirConnect Access Point 01.50-01 Multi n/a (none) Admin  
3Com Boson router simulator 3.66 HTTP admin admin User  
3Com Cable Managment System SQL Database (DOCSIS DHCP)     DOCSIS_APP 3com   Win2000 & MS
3Com CB9000 / 4007 3 Console Type User: FORCE (none) Admin This will recover a lost password and reset the switch config to Factory Default
3Com CellPlex   HTTP admin synnet Admin  
3Com CellPlex   Multi admin admin Admin  
3Com CellPlex   Multi n/a (none) Admin  
3Com CellPlex 7000 Multi admin admin Admin RS-232/telnet
3Com CellPlex 7000 Telnet admin admin Admin  
3Com CellPlex 7000 Telnet admin admin Admin  
3Com CellPlex 7000 Telnet operator (none) Admin  
3Com CellPlex 7000 Telnet root (none) Admin  
3Com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech (none) Admin  
3Com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech tech Admin  
3Com CoreBuilder 6000     debug tech    
3Com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet debug synnet    
3Com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet n/a (none) Admin  
3Com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet n/a admin Admin  
3Com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet tech tech    
3Com e960     Admin Admin    
Added: 2016-10-31
3Com e960 3CRWDR100-72 Admin Admin Admin HTTP
3Com HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet adm (none)    
3Com HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet adm (none) Admin  
3Com HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin  
3Com Home Connect     User Password    
3Com hub   Multi n/a (none) Admin  
3Com Internet Firewall 3C16770 HTTP admin password Admin  
3Com LANplex 2500 Telnet debug synnet    
3Com LANplex 2500 Telnet tech (none) Admin  
3Com LANplex 2500 Telnet tech tech    
3Com LANplex/Corebuilder line multiple models   debug synnet    
3Com Linkbuilder 3500     administer administer    
3Com LinkBuilder   Telnet n/a (none) Admin  
3Com LinkSwitch and CellPlex     debug synnet    
3Com LinkSwitch and CellPlex     tech tech    
3Com LinkSwitch 2000/2700 Telnet tech tech    
3Com LinkSwitch 2700   debug synnet    
3Com NAC (Network Access Card)     adm none    
3Com NBX100     administrator 0   2.8
3Com Netbuilder   HTTP Root (none) Admin
3Com Netbuilder   Multi admin (none) Admin  
3Com NetBuilder   SNMP (none) admin User SNMP_READ
3Com NetBuilder   SNMP   ANYCOM snmp-read  
3Com NetBuilder   SNMP   ILMI snmp-read  
3Com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL   Multi adminttd adminttd Admin  
3Com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL 01.50-01 Multi admin (none) Admin  
3Com OfficeConnect ADSL Wireless 11g Firewall Router 3CRWDR100-72 HTTP (none) admin Admin
3Com OfficeConnect ISDN Routers 5x0 Telnet n/a PASSWORD Admin  
3Com OfficeConnect Remote 812     root !root    
3Com OfficeConnect Remote 840     root !root    
3Com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g Cable/DSL Gateway   HTTP (none) admin Admin  
3Com OfficeConnect   Multi n/a (none) Admin  
3Com OfficeConnect 11g Multi admin (none) User  
3Com Router 3000/5000 Series Boot Prompt (none) (none) Admin  
3Com Shark Fin Comcast-supplied HTTP User Password Diagnostics page
3Com SuperStack 2700     tech tech    
3Com SuperStack II Dual Speed 500     security security    
3Com SuperStack II Netbuilder 11.1 Multi n/a (none) Admin  
3Com SuperStack II Switch 1100     manager manager    
3Com SuperStack II Switch 1100     security security    
3Com SuperStack II Switch 3300     manager manager    
3Com SuperStack II Switch     manager manager   Any
3Com SuperStack II Switch     monitor monitor   Any
3Com SuperStack II Switch     tech password   Any
3Com SuperStack II Switch 1100/3300 Console 3comcso RIP000 initialize resets all pws to defaults
3Com SuperStack II Switch 2200 Telnet debug synnet    
3Com SuperStack II Switch 2200 Telnet debug synnet    
3Com SuperStack II Switch 2700 Telnet tech tech Admin  
3Com SuperStack II   Console n/a (none) Admin  
3Com SuperStack III Switch 3300XM Multi security security Admin  
3Com SuperStack III Switch 4400-49XX Multi manager manager User can access/change operational setting but not security settings  
3Com SuperStack III Switch 4xxx (4900 - sure) console recover recover Admin  
3Com SuperStack III Switch 4xxx (4900 - sure) Telnet recovery recovery resets_all_to_default u need to power off unit. tbl_
3Com SuperStack III Switch 4XXX Multi admin (none) Admin  
3Com SuperStack III Switch 4XXX Multi monitor monitor User  
3Com Switch 3000/3300     Admin 3com    
3Com Switch 3000/3300     admin admin    
3Com Switch 3000/3300     manager manager    
3Com Switch 3000/3300     monitor monitor    
3Com Switch 3000/3300     security security    
3Com Switch 3300XM Multi admin admin Admin  
3Com Wireless AP ANY Multi admin comcomcom Admin Works on all 3com wireless APs

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